Currency Exchanger App Development

Currency exchanger app is a real-time currency exchange rate converter with the updated currency values.

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Currency Exchanger App For Real Time Exchange

Currency exchanger app is a quick and efficient app that operates on real-time currency exchange rates and converts one currency to another as and when required by the user. The app allows the exchanging of currencies from 5 countries which include Newyork, London, Hongkong, Paris & Amsterdam. Through the currency exchanger application, there is no need to scroll complete lists. The user just needs to set up his personal currency list and get currencies at first glance.

The application provides ease in selecting a currency for quick access to rates and to get these rates updated every minute to make sure that the user always gets the latest rates available.

Currency Exchanger App Features

Fast and Efficient

The application provides a fast conversion of the user’s entered amount. It operates on the simple exchange rate conversion & calculation.

Latest News and Charts

The user gets updated with live currency charts and can also view the latest currency news on this app. .

Currency Exchanger App

Convert Multiple Currency

The application is able to convert multi-currency simultaneously. and get exchange rates to list on a single tap.

Currency List

The user can get a personal currency list with an integrated calculator and can also add the number of currencies frequently used in the favorite list.

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